Terms & Conditions

By visiting and using this website, you agree that you have read, understood, and agree to the following Terms and Conditions of Use by RVL Studio LLC. 

This website includes materials protected by intellectual property laws, including but not limited to written text, logos, photos, videos, music, art, designs and graphics. You may view, download, print, email and use materials from this website for personal, noncommercial purposes only. You may not republish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, display, distribute or otherwise use any material from this website for commercial purposes. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of any materials found on this website shall constitute infringement.

The information, products and services offered on or through this website are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, RVL Studio LLC disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. RVL Studio LLC does not warrant that this website or any of its functions will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that any part of this website, or the servers that make it available, are free of viruses or other harmful components.


The company likewise does not warrant or make any representations or guarantees that you will earn any money using the site or the company’s technology or services. you accept all responsibility for evaluating your own earning potential as well as executing your own business and services. Your earning potential is entirely dependent on your own products, ideas, techniques; your execution of your business plan; the time you devote to implementing the ideas and techniques offered and utilized; as well as your finances, your knowledge and your skill. 

Since these factors differ among all individuals, the company cannot and does not warrant or make any representations or guarantees regarding your success or income level. The company does not warrant that use of the materials will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site, the content, and/or the materials available on this site are free from bugs or viruses or other harmful components. You assume all responsibility for the cost of all necessary repairs or corrections. The company shall not be responsible for any performance or service problems caused by any third-party website or third-party service provider. Any such problem shall be governed solely by the agreement between you and that provider. Please note that the applicable jurisdiction may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties. Some of the above exclusions may thus not apply to you. 

Terms of Service for Social Media Strategist Retainer Services

Entered into and effective as of the date of purchase.

RVL Studio known as "Company”,
Client known as "Client"
Collectively, all of the above people or businesses entering this Agreement will be referred to as the "Parties".

By purchasing the Services, Client agrees to the following terms of this Agreement.

The Company agrees to provide social media marketing strategy and consulting services to the Client for the duration of the retainer period. Services may include, but are not limited to, social media planning, content strategy, audience analysis, platform management recommendations, and performance reporting, as defined in the proposal. Company reserves the right to collect any and all monies owed from Client by whatever Company deems necessary. Client shall pay for any costs Company incurs to collect such costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees and collection agency costs. Failure to make timely payments may result in suspension or termination of services by the Company.


If Client desires to cancel Services, reschedule Services, or if it becomes impossible for Company to render Services due to the fault of the Client or parties related to Client, such as failure of one or more essential parties to the course to provide support or documents in a timely manner, Client shall provide notice to Company as soon as possible via the Notice provisions detailed in this Agreement. Upon cancellation or unreasonable delay, all outstanding fees are immediately due and payable to Company.

Failure to Perform Services: In the event Company cannot or will not perform its obligations in any or all parts of this Agreement, it (or a responsible party) will:

  • Immediately give Notice to Client via the Notice provisions detailed in this Agreement; and

  • Issue a refund or credit based on a reasonably accurate percentage of Services rendered; and

  • Excuse Client of any further performance and/or payment obligations in this Agreement.


Parties will treat and hold all information of or relating to any Agreement entered into, the Services provided, and the Parties’ businesses in strict confidence, and will not use any of this information except in connection with fulfilling the terms of this Agreement, and, if this Agreement is terminated for whatever reason, Parties will return all such information, including account access information, and any and all copies, to the original Party and will remain bound to the Confidentiality provision of this Agreement. Confidential information (“Confidential Information”) means information that is of value to its owner and is treated as proprietary or confidential including, but not limited to, intellectual property, inventions, trade secrets or information, financial data or information, speculation, knowledge, general Company data or reports, future business plans, strategies, customer lists and information, client acquisition strategies, advertising campaigns, information regarding executives and employees, and the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

Further, at all times neither Party shall use or disclose any Confidential Information relating in any way to the past, present, or future business affairs, conditions, clients, customers, efforts, employees, financial data, operations, practices, products, processes, properties, sales, or services of or relating in any way to the Parties in whatever form to any parties outside of this Agreement.

This Agreement imposes no obligation upon the Parties with respect to any Confidential Information that was possessed before initial business interactions commenced between the Parties; is or becomes a matter of public knowledge through no fault of receiving Party; is rightfully received from a third party not owing a duty of confidentiality; is disclosed without a duty of confidentiality to a third party by, or with the authorization of the disclosing Party; or is independently developed by either Party without prior knowledge of privileged or Confidential Information.

Relationship of the Parties: 

Company and any related subcontractors are not employees, partners, or members of Client’s company or organization. Company has the sole right to control and direct the means, manner, and method by which the Services in this Agreement are performed. Company has the right to hire assistants, subcontractors, or employees to provide Client with its Services. Parties are individually and separately responsible for their own business operation and expenses, including securing or paying any licensing fees, taxes (including FICA), registrations, or permits. Client is not responsible for paying for any benefits, Workers Compensation, insurance, or unemployment fees to Company.

Ownership of Work Product:

In the event that any copyrighted work(s) are created or shared as a result of the Services provided by Parties in accordance with this Agreement, the contributing Party owns all copyrights in any and all work(s) it creates or produces pursuant to federal copyright law (Title 17, Chapter 2, Section 201-02 of the United States Code), whether registered or unregistered. Any and all products, whether tangible or intangible, produced or created in connection with, or in the process of fulfilling this Agreement, are expressly and solely owned by the Party who creates the materials and may be used in the reasonable course of each Party's business going forward. For example, if Company shares a spreadsheet that Client utilizes, Client may not share, distribute, sell, or otherwise enjoy the privileges of said spreadsheet and copyrighted material contained within the spreadsheet. Any and all trademarks, whether registered or unregistered, remain the property of the contributing Party.

Limitation of Liability:

RVL Studio LLC shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, this website, including its materials, products or services, or third-party materials, products or services made available through this website.

The Company shall not be responsible for any performance or service problems caused by any third party website or third party service provider (including, for example, your web service provider service, stripe payment services, your software and/or any updates or upgrades to that software). Any such problem shall be governed solely by the agreement between you and that provider. the company reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether the company is responsible for any such malfunction or disruption. The Company also reserves the right to limit your use of the site and/or the content or to terminate your account should the company determine that you have violated these terms of use, or that you have violated any other rules or conditions of the company. The Company reserves the right to refuse access to the site and/or the company’s content, products and/or services to anyone in its sole discretion. 

Client agrees and understands Company is not providing the professional services of an attorney, accountant, financial planner, therapist, or any other kind of licensed or certified professional. Should Client desire professional services that exceed the scope of this Social Strategy Agreement, Client must sign a letter of engagement of said professional services. No legal, financial, accounting, nutritional, or other kind of professional advice will be given without entering into such a relationship via the letter of engagement referenced immediately above.

Company cannot make any guarantees as to the results, including financial or other gains, of the services provided. Company agrees to provide the Services listed in this Agreement in a reasonable and timely manner. Client agrees to take responsibility for Client’s own results.

Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company, its related companies, parties, affiliates, agents, independent contractors, assigns, directors, employees, and officers from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, or other losses arising out of, or related to, the Services provided in this Agreement. In the case of in-person meetings or coaching, Client agrees to either secure a reasonable amount of insurance coverage to pay for any claims, causes of action, damage, attorney fees, or other losses as a result of accident or negligence on behalf of the Parties to this Agreement, or if no insurance is secured, Client waives its right to directly or indirectly ask or force Company to pay for any such damages. In such an event, you shall provide the Company with such cooperation as is reasonably requested by the Company. The provisions of these Terms of Use are for the benefit of the Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates and its third party content providers and licensors, and each shall have the right to assert and enforce such provisions directly or on its own behalf

Client agrees that the maximum amount of damages he or she is entitled to in any claim relating to this Agreement or Services provided in this Agreement are not to exceed the Total Cost of Services provided by Company.

Client shall not make any false, disparaging, or derogatory statement in public or private regarding Company, its employees, or agents.  Company shall not make any false, disparaging, or derogatory statements in public or private regarding Client and its relationship with Company.

Client has spent a satisfactory amount of time reviewing Company’s work or past client reviews, and has a reasonable expectation that Company’s Services will produce a reasonably similar outcome and result for Client. Company will use reasonable efforts to ensure Client’s Services are carried out in a style and manner consistent with Company’s current portfolio and services, and Company will try to incorporate any suggestions Client makes. However, Client understands and agrees that:

  • Every client and final delivery is different, with different tastes, budgets, and needs;

  • Social strategy coaching can be a subjective service and Company is a provider with a unique vision, with an ever-evolving style and technique;

  • Dissatisfaction with Company’s independent judgment or individual management style are not valid reasons for termination of this Agreement or request of any monies returned.


Parties shall provide effective notice (“Notice”) to each other via either of the following methods of delivery at the date and time which the Notice is sent:

  • Company Email: rachel@rvlstudio.co

  • Client’s Email(s): email used at the time of purchase

Dispute Resolution: If the Parties cannot find a resolution to a dispute or potential claim by means of good-faith negotiation, then the Parties will make a reasonable attempt to resolve their dispute through Alternative Dispute Resolution or Mediation before filing a civil cause of action.

Governing Law:

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without giving effect to its conflict of laws. The nearest state and federal court to Austin, Texas shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any case or controversy arising from or relating to this website, including but not limited to the Privacy Policy or these Terms. You further submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in Austin, Texas If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. 

By using this website, you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of these courts and consent irrevocably to personal jurisdiction in such courts and waive any defense of forum non conveniens.

 These Terms of Use may be revised from time to time by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current Terms.